In continuation to my 'Taming The Mind The Terror', allow me to express that I am, in no way, trying to over-simplify the extremely grave issue of Terrorism or make Education look like as one-stop solution to the entire issue.
Terrorism, in my view, is an extremely unpredictable phenomenon and going forward can/will even effect us. And now, it is no more about our neighbour - it is much beyond it as it is both Global & Local.
Even I am aware of a lot of 'educated' people who are supremely radical and also of a lot of 'religious-minded' people who are equally radical & illogical. Trust me 'religion' is not the cause of radicalisation - economic weakness / un-education / non-exposure is and religion then becomes the level. And so my point is more on quality, rather than quantity of Education
Education should be pushed explicitly / talked about, as it is a very strong tool, out of the many available - & I feel this is not happening. And I am sure a lot of us will somewhere agree that we may be educated but not enlightened - purely because we have never been given adequate exposure to other faiths and ideologies, which is getting perceived as a cause of such problems. And we all know that India's education system has a lot of grounds to cover before it becomes efficient :)
Somewhere, we all are victims of ignorance, even if we are educated – there is no concept of comparative religion as a subject / no culture of debating / no action on developing a tolerant attitude. But I firmly believe that education (updated one) can inculcate the mearning of co-existence, which actually may be need of hour :).
Education can be purely demystifying a myth about something in a normal one-to-one conversation to setting a formal syllabus :)
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