Monday, January 5, 2009

Random Thoughts

I think we live in a country, society and an environment which has never been health conscious and hence has never been knowledgeable enough to understand how to handle situations like cancer, diabetes and physical handicap. For instance, rather than understanding the meaning of ‘keep patient away from external entities, including human being’, we surround the patient thinking that this is the only way to show love and empathy. Actually we misunderstand the role of relations, love, social obligations at this time and hence challenge the science of medication and nature. While nature wants us to express love and be loved, we believe in showing off love and getting acknowledged for the same (rather immediately) especially during someone else’s illness. Some call this as hypocrisy while I call it the inherent nature of our society and let’s face it - we all are part of it.

It is not that only an individual gets effected by a disease. A family is equally, rather more strongly effected by the disease since it has to take care of its member. I don’t think we, at large, understand this statement because despite us claiming to be educated, we are actually getting roboted. We get education to act like a robot - earn money, get married, have kids, travel, enjoy (or suffer) old age and then die. We don’t get educated thinking on how to contribute - spread knowledge, happiness and progress for the society. We were, we are and we will always remain myopic in our thinking. For us, life starts and ends with MY FAMILY, MY HUSBAND / WIFE, MY KIDS etc. There is nothing wrong in this school of thought provided in a day-to-day life one does think of someone / something else beyond his/her own immediate relations / need. I guess this is asking for too much. How does education matter, when we don’t even know how to lend our ear with patience to someone else’s point of view,.

We, as a society are driven by a strong desire for social stature and materialism because in our history, there was never a regular supply of basic amenities like electricity, water or health care. Hence, for survival we had to become selfish (a natural step for any human facing such a situation). Unfortunately, we have become selfish enough to completely ignore solidarity in fundamental term. What we see during weddings and funerals is nothing but superficial solidarity. Grief is not about being sad or about being depressed. It is about introspection – to make oneself stronger and adaptable to lead a new and changed life, after losing someone / something. And once again, unfortunately our society doesn’t even know how to experience grief. It has always and I guess it will always ‘celebrate’ grief.

Life is strange and will always remain so. Hence one should, at times, allow it to unfold itself. And while it gets unfolded, one should continue living life and that too to the best, because after all there is only one to live.



Prashant said...

I had to be the first to post a comment on your blog bro :)... Enjoyed reading your thoughts... though I believe I know how you feel about this topic!!! Its good that you've started a blog though... its a nice outlet... and would love to read whatever you write.. so keep writing ;)

puneet said...

well navo,

quite philosophical i must say. i think life brings with it wisdom generating events and it is up to us to inculcate that wisdom.

i think your bald head has something to cheer about post these thoughts of yours.