Sunday, January 8, 2012

Eternal Question

This is indeed funny and yeah, this one is going to be very cliched - so, please bear with me :)


We have certain aspirations when we are in school
We have certain expectations when we are in college
And we have certain dreams when we are at work.

But I don't know what happens, rather when does it happen?
That we lose track of what defined us when we were growing up
Those aspirations - expectations - dreams.

While I know the answer to my question is well known - well debated - written everywhere
But then isn't it funny that only few of us write, rather try to write, a new answer to this eternal question :)

I believe all of us go through similar experiences - more or less
And I also believe all of us face similar challenges, fights , inner or outer battles
But surprisingly only very few of us gather the courage to create a life
That connects well with our growing up aspirations - expectations - dreams

And then when these few tinkle that part of the heart of the rest
The rest, for whatever reason, remains uninspired to look deep within and bring out the courage
And this lack of courage is rationalised, rather rationised, to priorities & experiences
Which instead of making us strong and ready, makes us complacent and mediocre.

Whether we admit it or not,
All of us want to create a life that we have always dreamed of
And whether we like it or not
Most of us, most of the times, attribute that to experiences instead of lack of courage.

In the end, what matters is not only happiness now
But seeing that the dream gets fulfilled then.
Speak to yourself now, rather than, then
Listen to yourself now, rather than, then

Pick up what is to be picked up now - courage, strength, experiences
Rather than picking what is to be dropped - regret, fear, circumstances
Don't wait for things to happen
And yeah, don't wait for people to remind you of your strengths.

Be ready to be inspired
But remember, my friend
The fire within you is to be lit only by you & no one else can lit it
As no one can handle your flame, except you.

Hopefully, you will be amongst the few
to write a new answer to the eternal question.